Hello World!

Coffee Shop Politics

Advising on American Foreign Policy in Iraq and the region (Christian Voice)

  1. A few missing thoughts about ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror
  2. I am sorry Saddam…A nation longing for leadership or dictatorship?
  3. Assyrians…Coffee shop politics…what is next for Iraq?
  4. Change the TV Channel…Coffee shop of American Foreign Policy
  5. The Husseins of my life…True story
  6. April 9…fall and rise of Baghdad
  7. A rising threat bigger than al-Qaeda and ISIS is on the rise in America

Comics and Sketchnotes

  1. www.KneeNose.com
  2. Management Position Interview
  3. 27,000 Words in One SketchNotes
  4. 2014 memoir in sketchnotes
  5. Twitter Romance
  6. Lost in Social Media
  7. My life in sketchnote…So far
  8. Corporate Ethics
  9. Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook Addiction
  10. The Intelligence Index of America 2020
  11. thinkinG outsidE thE boX
  12. What’s in a name?
  13. LinkedIn Post
  14. American Psychopath 2020


  1. Thank you DHL!…Holy Pope Francis blessed my clothes!
  2. Domain in a Box
  3. I was Punked in 2014

Startup Thoughts

  1. Cousin Inc.
  2. The Assyrian Conference of Professionals
  3. Say happy work anniversary…Three years at the US Embassy in Baghdad… Artificial automatic courtesies
  4. Iraq’s Amazon.com could leapfrog to Bitcoin
  5. Eulogy of my startup
  6. Insha’Allah Strategy
  7. Are You Predestined to the Kingdom of Silicon Valley?
  8. Domain names: Cool Name or 2-3 words?
  9. Eight Secrets of Startup
  10. Does LinkedIn Endorsements hold credibility?
  11. Will Facebook and Twitter be the next Black Swan?
  12. Entrepreneurship Management Lessons from Life
  13. How I promoted my idea and domain name to 10K people on Facebook for free!
  14. Currency for the Attention Based Economy
  15. Reaction to “The Dip” Book
  16. The Query of You
  17. Marketing Inspired by Pirates and Socrates

My thoughts:

  1. Maktoob
  2. Beauty and Free Will
  3. Forget about Passion!
  4. Happiness from Lalastan
  5. James Gandolfini is in Basrah…Arab Actors learn this!
  6. Why I love blogging?…The arch of our life victories!
  7. Could complimenting women be a blessing to men?…Liberation from religious childhood taboo!
  8. Raped by your own brain…Mental training from Stoic Philosophy
  9. I am testing God…I cracked the Jewish code…Philanthropic act!
  10. One brain workout…Inspired by James Altucher
  11. Where Fat Tony Meets Big Tony!
  12. The Sword of Damocles
  13. That Phone Call: A Call of Hope
  14. What is capitalistically ethical?


  1. LinkedIn Profile vs. Assyrian Virginity and a Future Wife
  2. On Chaldeans Deportation and Facebook Lip Service
  3. The Romance in the Assyrian Convention
  4. The Holy Trinity of Doing Business in Iraq
  5. Always a Drama Always a Victim
  6. The Significance of Assyrian-American Convention

My Life

  1. Moral Hero?
  2. Love Secrets
  3. The Longest Bridge
  4. Life Goal of Reading 10,000 Books
  5. 40 Reasons Why I’m THE Assyrian Bachelor
  6. Names that Echo History
  7. New Year’s Eve with Absolut Vodka
  8. Between Baghdad and Baghdaddys…a drunken man prayer
  9. 14,997 Pages and One Book
  10. 300,000 Pages and One Book
  11. 400,000 pages in Baghdad
  12. I was brainwashed too
  13. In Searching for a Next Dream
  14. Pressing into History’s Footnotes
  15. Living with the curse of wanting it all
  16. 10 minutes away…and the last walk
  17. I am supplement-aholic on 49 pills a day!
  18. We all have an “Off Button”…Will it get pushed today?
  19. Why do I blog for free?
  20. From One End to the Other
  21. American Years
  22. Pivoting Moment in Life
  23. Three Adjectives that Define Me
  24. Turning 36
  25. Origin of the name Ninos
  26. Is it a Nationality or Hyphenated Personality?
  27. From club hopping to embassy hopping…partying next to ISIS…my crazy future
  28. Kalsu…Worst day of my life
  29. The fault in my stars, they aligned! (Part 1)
  30. From the Ptolemaic to Copernican thinking with Nietzsche (Part 2)
  31. Part 1- Louis Vuitton’s Guide to Successful Living
  32. Part 2 – Diesel D:CODE for Successful living and 40X40 = Rolex
  33. Black And White – A Workout Reverie
  34. Thanksgiving Baghdad 2016
  35. My 40th Birthday at AANF with the New Americans
  36. Power Food for my Brain

My work

  1. Why I stayed working in Iraq?
  2. Five Years between T-Walls
  3. The Birth of Coffee Shop Politics
  4. The curse of a dream job
  5. Working with Mr. Corporate A
  6. “Some” is modifying speaking culture
  7. Iraqis vs. Indians in Iraq
  8. Laziness in Perspective – a management lesson (comic included)
  9. Be there…on the Cornice, and here is why…
  10. June 16, 2014 will live in my memory…U.S. Embassy Baghdad, World Cup, Michael Schumacher, Argo
  11. Camaraderie of “Red Solo Cups” in the world of contractors!
  12. Nearly a “Black Hawk Down” experience…Leadership?
  13. Trapped between insults and thank you…Chicken or beef?
  14. Karma gets its debt instantly from me!
  15. Dealing with Asshole from Asshole-stan…Diplomacy or military tactics?
  16. I have LTS disorder from my Linguist’s life in Iraq…Are you infected?


  1. How is your day?…On Travel
  2. Run Away from Baghdad – On Travel (August 2016)
  3. How I Blew $100,000 On Travel…Without Any Regrets!
  4. Part 1- Chicago and the Assyrian Vote (2016)
  5. Part 2- A Flâneur in Istanbul (2016)
  6. Part 3- Bangkok between Anticipation and Reality (2016)
  7. Part 4- My Small Window into Dubai (May, 2016)
  8. Part 1- On the way to Malta (2015)
  9. Part 2 – Standing sublimely on the edge of Malta (2015)
  10. 39th birthday…Part 1- Italy and the blue sign of fun (Oct, 2015)
  11. 39th birthday…Part 2- I Am Italian (Oct, 2015)
  12. 38th birthday…flying over ISIS through its Turkish gateway…walking where Socrates walked…crosses on donkeys
  13. Day 1- On the way to Chicago through Amman via RJ
  14. Day 2 – On the way to Amman
  15. Day 3 – on the way to Chicago via Royal Jordanian
  16. A Travel Principle I will only violate for Brazil
  17. Less Than 24 Hours in Qatar (May, 2017)